
An Open Birthday Message for Marisol Santos


Birthdays are days we set aside to tell someone how special they are, or how they touched our lives even in small ways.

We say things like:

I feel comfortable when I am with you and you always make me smile. You listen to me every time I crack a silly joke and I love listening to your silly stories as well….etc….

And more stuff like that.

But most of all from the clichés mentioned, I want you to know that we appreciate you being around. I appreciate you. You have a gift, a unique quality that makes a person comfortable sharing wonderful thoughts with you.

Even though these things are not said often enough maybe because of the fact that we often talk about the “silly” stuff or too busy with our studies, they are meant the whole year through! You are a wonderful person, a woman of God. And my prayer is that your days in this world will be filled with the joy that comes from He who is the source of genuine happiness.

As you get older, never forget God. He is always there for you no matter what is happening in your life. Let Him love you and teach you how to be a real woman after His own heart. God can be everything in your life that your life is missing. Continue to live a life that is worth living.

Jesus Christ himself said, “Work while it is day; the night comes when no one can work.” One day, we will say to ourselves “one thing we need is to outwit our years.” Of course we just don’t keep being busy just for the sake of being such. Otherwise, we become busy bodies. Abraham Lincoln once said “It is not in the years in your life that counts, but the life in your years.”

Live your life purpose, Happy Birthday.

In Christ,


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Professor of "The Humanities" at the Lyceum of the Philippines University. Law Student at the Far Eastern University, Institute of Law. President and former Auditor of Legal Network for Truthful Elections (UST Chapter) Former Vice President- Internal of Batas Tomasino: The UST Law Society, Former Chairperson of UST-Students' Democratic Party. Former Vice President- Internal of UST UNESCO. Former Public Relations Officer (PRO) of UST Arts and Letters Student Council. Former Vice President Internal of Community Achievers' Association (UST-AB). Bachelor of Arts in Legal Management (University of Santo Tomas, '09) High School Education (Christian Academy of Manila, '05)